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Immediate Need Cremation | Fort Myers, Florida Call Now To Report a Death: 1-833-670-0483

If you are in immediate need of planning a simple & affordable cremation in Fort Myers, Florida please accept our sincere condolences. Our highly acclaimed staff of Cremation-With-Care funeral directors and Fort Myers cremation experts are standing by to respond to your call, expedite transport of your loved one and answer your questions with compassion & sensitivity. At Cremation-With-Care we're committed to providing a higher standard of service.

Once the death is reported a Cremation-With-Care Adviser will schedule a phone call to provide direction & assistance in completing the simple cremation arrangements.

Simply affordable cremation is all we do in Fort Myers, Florida and we've made it easy for you to arrange a low cost cremation right from the comfort, convenience & safety of your home, in person or over the phone & email. We're here when it matters most providing guidance & understanding. Call Now Toll Free: 1-833-670-0483

America's Cremation Experts

We're Your Local Hospice Collaboration Specialists

hospice collaboration

When a Death Occurs at Home: Under Hospice Care

When a loved one passes away at home in Fort Myers, FL or anywhere in Lee County under the care of Hospice please notify Hospice first. Instruct the Hospice Caregiver to call Cremation-With-Care so we may dispatch a vehicle and personnel to the home in order to bring the deceased into our care. While you wait for the hospice nurse, you may invite family or friends to the home for a final goodbye. This time is yours so take as much time as you need.

When a Death Occurs at Home: NOT Under Hospice Care

If a loved one passes away at home and is not under the care of Hospice please call 911 to notify them of the death. When the emergency medical staff arrives they will determine the best course of action. If the deceased was under a physician's care they may release your loved one directly to us. If so, please instruct the EMT to call Cremation-With-Care. Otherwise it may be determined to refer the death to the Medical Examiner. If that's the case then it is important to inform the Medical Examiner to release your loved one to Cremation-With-Care at the appropriate time.