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Florida Cremation Statistics

The cremation rate in Sarasota, Florida and all of Lee County continues to rise each year according to the Florida Vital Statistics Annual Report. Cremation services represents 66.6% of all reported deaths in Florida. Below is a breakdown of the 18 Florida counties where Cremation-With-Care provides affordable, low cost cremation services. When faced with the decision to choose a cremation service in Sarasota, Florida put your trust and confidence in the family owned cremation experts of Cremation-With-Care. We honor the dignity of the those entrusted to our care & respect the wishes of every family we serve. Call now for cremation information: 833-670-0483 Toll Free.

County  Number of Cremations Percentage
Brevard: 5,600 74.7%
Broward 8,589  57.2%
Charlotte 2,337 82.3%
Collier 2,678 75.8%
Glades 34 59.6%
Hendry 142 65.1%
Hillsborough 7,951 66.5%
Lake 2,919 74.0%
Lee 5,767 78.5%
County  Number of Cremations Percentage
Manatee 3,092 77.4%
Orange 6,464 66.0%
Osceola 1,543 66.5%
Palm Beach 8,621 56.0%
Pinellas 10,059 77.9%
Polk 4556 67.4%
Sarasota 4,601 77.9%
Seminole 2,559 68.9%
Volusia 5,657 78.0%