More people of the Christian faith in Edgewater, Florida are opting for cremation rather than burial. Ultimately, there is no difference between cremation and burying. When the body is buried, given enough time, it will completely disintegrate. So, cremation and burying ultimately lead to the same physical condition of complete disintegration. In the resurrection, our infinitely powerful God who knows all things, will be able to produce our resurrected bodies. There is nothing to prevent God from accomplishing His promises to raise us. The new body of a Christian will be a radically changed and glorified body like the body of the exalted Christ. It will be an eternal, spiritual body never again to experience weakness, disease, suffering, or death (1 Corinthians 15:35-54 and Philippians 3:20-21).
When cremation takes place in Edgewater, Florida before the Christian Funeral Liturgy, the cremated remains which have been placed in a worthy vessel are brought to church and set upon a pedestal. A candle is positioned near the pedestal. The Prayers after Death and the Vigil for the Deceased may be adapted as necessary and appropriate and used before the Funeral Liturgy. The Rite of Committal with Final Commendation may also be celebrated at that time. A Christian funeral liturgy celebrates the faith of the deceased and Christ's victory over death and suffering. We celebrate the life of the deceased in the whole context of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.